Expanding Art
In an effort to expand opportunities for the public to experience fine and performing arts we assist and support existing groups and individuals engaged in the arts around Hastings, Nebraska.
Art mobile success
Each summer the Hastings Community Arts Council partners with the Hastings Public Library during their storytime. We help children create art projects related to the books they are reading.
Community mural
The Hastings Nebraska Mural Project was a community-based public art project which offered residents of Hastings direct hands-on experience in the research, design and execution of a large mural.
art backpack program
The Art Backpack Program is a partnership with the Food4Thought program at Hastings College. The Hastings Community Arts Council raises funds to provide art bags for underserved children in our community. Providing an opportunity for creativity at home.
Music in the park
The Hastings Community Arts Council sponsors musicians during Thursday Night Farmers Markets in Downtown Hastings each summer. From June through September, different performers take the grassy stage to provide entertainment for market goers.
Art Education
The Hastings Community Arts Council works with local schools and educational facilities to increase opportunities for both children and adults in our community to learn more about art.

Community Growth
We work as a liaison for artists, businesses, government, and community institutions in our area to further expand the capabilities and success of our art community.